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Scholarship Criteria

Students are strongly encouraged to apply for the Larry’s Legacy Scholarship provided that they meet the requirements as listed below:

Attend an accredited high school located within 75 miles of NYC or Washington D.C. and be a person of the African Diaspora, Asian American, Latino/a or Latinx background.

Demonstrate financial need as determined by the Scholarship Selection Committee.

Current high school graduate or GED Recipient.

Cumulative average at least a cumulative GPA of 3.0 for collegiate endeavor, 2.5  for Vocational/Trade Schools or the GED Equivalent.

Accepted as a full time and first-time matriculating freshman in the upcoming Fall Semester, at an accredited College or University in pursuit of a Baccalaureate degree or Vocational/Trade School Program at the time the award is presented.

A person who demonstrates strong potential for academic achievement.

Excellent character and proven leadership ability, and well rounded experience through commitment to community service and extracurricular activities.

Applicants will be screened by the Larry’s Legacy Scholarship Selection Committee, and scholarship recipients will be selected based on their application and essay

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